Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Winter Blast!


Winter Blast!!

Winter Blast was amazing! In a span of 18 waking hours, we had 45 students from Sitka and Mt.Edgecumbe participate, along with 10 leaders and 10 support staff contributing to the weekend.  Great memories were made playing in the snow, playing GROG in the church, and hanging out with friends and leaders.  We talked about the deep covenant love of God and processed what that means in our small groups.  Church groups and other volunteers brought in tasty food and everyone loved the games, skits, and general goofiness that Young Life is known for.  Thanks for being a part of the team that helped make this weekend happen through your prayers and support!

Our skit characters Jedidiah (Spencer from Ketchikan Young Life) and Hannaniah (Emily Routon)

Making memories playing goofy games like "practice cow milkin"

Everyone is in great spirits from the weekend!

The food and games were a hit!

What a great group!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!