Saturday, August 27, 2022

SYL Gearing up

(Gathering together for a recent leaders meeting)

 We are excited to begin another school year meeting with young people as we work toward our mission statement of "introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith."  In addition to meeting with high school and restarting our middle school ministry, we will begin reaching out to young people older than 18 years old.  This year we will continue partnering with church youth workers as we try to reach all of the youth in Sitka and beyond.  Thank you for your prayer and support!

First Summer Blast- 2022


This past weekend we had kids and leaders from 4 different churches come together for times of laughter, adventure, singing worship, and growing closer to Jesus. We went to the driving range, had Christmas in July, hiked to a remote mountain lake, and talked about Jesus's love and our response to him.  It was a great weekend and we look forward to doing it again. Thanks for partnering with Sitka Young life!