Tuesday, December 5, 2023


This year in Sitka Young Life we have been "Diving In:" We have been diving in deeper with kids and diving deeper into Jesus. Things around us seem to be getting more complicated and more difficult.  We all need the love and hope Jesus provides. In the next three days, you will receive three emails describing Sitka Young Life.  In today's video link below you will hear from an alumni of Sitka Young Life as he reflects on how SYL has made a difference in his life. Tomorrow- we will share in more detail what has been happening this past year.  In Thursday's email, we will share the direction we are going and how you can help partner. Thank you always for praying, sharing, and diving into the people around you!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Jesus And Me (JAM) 2023

JAM was a wonderful time for high school girls and leaders to worship, share, and take steps closer to Jesus! The day included a tasty breakfast, a cold water dip, a sauna, and an elegant high tea.  A leader named Natalie shared her life story and another leader named Gabriella led worship. Volunteers from 4 different churches helped with the event and the event took place at the beautiful Stone Lantern House. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Friday, September 8, 2023

SYL Fall 2023


SYL is gearing up for a busy FALL. This week morning campaigners begin and club planning is underway.  We have four of our leaders coaching fall sports and many on the sidelines cheering everyone on. This November we are going to have our second every Jesus and Me (JAM!) girls discipleship event and will be continuing our youth leader discipleship training later this month.  As always, we couldn't do it without you!  Thank you for our partnership in reaching the children in the community of Sitka.  We are thankful. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Summer '23 Starting


Young Life leaders celebrating a graduating senior who has been "part of the family"

Three graduations, two baccalaureate services, and countless hugs from graduates and family members- we are so grateful to be able to celebrate with the Class of 2023.  As school has ended, and summer has started,  we will pivet our attention to summer camps with kids and continue to develop our outreach to young adults.  Thank you for your prayers and financial support!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Generation Z


Here is a picture of our MEHS guys' breakfast Bible study campaigners crew, with our alumni leader Murphy Charles (far left).  These are great kids that we meet with every Tuesday morning.  Our girls' MEHS groups and SHS groups meet on Friday mornings.

SYL has also been hosting monthly training on connecting with Gen Z. These times have included representatives from eight different churches here in Sitka!  We have been in conversation about how to more effectively relate the good news of Jesus to Generation Z. Below is a 12-minute video describing Generation Z. I have also included a more in-depth presentation by Dr. Tanita Maddox located underneath the first link. Reach out if you'd appreciate further information or additional videos.  As always, thank you for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Winter Blast!


Winter Blast!!

Winter Blast was amazing! In a span of 18 waking hours, we had 45 students from Sitka and Mt.Edgecumbe participate, along with 10 leaders and 10 support staff contributing to the weekend.  Great memories were made playing in the snow, playing GROG in the church, and hanging out with friends and leaders.  We talked about the deep covenant love of God and processed what that means in our small groups.  Church groups and other volunteers brought in tasty food and everyone loved the games, skits, and general goofiness that Young Life is known for.  Thanks for being a part of the team that helped make this weekend happen through your prayers and support!

Our skit characters Jedidiah (Spencer from Ketchikan Young Life) and Hannaniah (Emily Routon)

Making memories playing goofy games like "practice cow milkin"

Everyone is in great spirits from the weekend!

The food and games were a hit!

What a great group!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

SYL Back at it!


In 2023 we have started the year off great as we get opportunities to be with young people. Our middle school and high school groups are meeting weekly and we have 3 morning Bible study campaigner groups.  We also are hosting a monthly community-wide workshop focused on connecting with Gen Z, and on the 24th and 25th of this month, we will host an in-town weekend camp called Winter Blast. Thank you for all of your prayers and support!